Sunday, November 30, 2008


When I'm on the Piano
I'm a Child Playing with God

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thoughts of Alisa - poem DAYS

Days have become lingering shadows
I feel them shrouding me
I know what I want to become
But I can't find my destiny
I sense that it is near - my dream to be
Yet I just wish it would appear -right in front of me

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Video - No Whimps Allowed

Ok so here is the video i was talking about! Who's on for the title fight? lol Let me know if you are in training too!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

EAST END BOXING - No Whimps Allowed

I've been dreaming up being properly trained at a boxing gym for a really long time. There's absolutely no one tougher and more disciplined than a fighter and if I'm going to rule the music industry, I have to be able to endure extreme pressure and have killer focus.

Extraordinarily, while on my current trip to London, my fantasy came I was also trained by an east end boxing champion in the world famous Repton Boxing Club. It was so exciting I almost wet my pants! Not only was I trained to fight as a prize fighter by one, I also got to sparr with him- Jamie Robinson. Thank you Jamie!!

Couple interesting facts - most of the exercises are done in three minute increments full out; as each round is three minutes and then after that you get one minute to "blow"; that means breathe ;). Also, many fighters starve themselves the day before their fight to loose weight in order to meet their goal for the fight. This also thickens the blood and could cause clots while fighting...which as you could guess means big trouble. I learned some other tricks that fighters do which are on the sly and aren't legal. If you want to know what they are, go to my myspace page and ask me there.

Amazingly, we got this all on film and I will be posting it to YouTube soon...once its all edited and I return to the US. To see this footage as soon as its posted, subscribe to my YouTube page at

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Check this are going to crack your butt off.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My New Song - top of YouTube charts today


How many times we not tell the ones who are close to us how we really feel until its too late?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

night at Doral golf course

the other night I was at Doral & when the sun went down I took a little walk to the putting green and found Froggie. Ok I know that's not very creative but it was a perfect name for him. As soon as he saw me he stopped hopping and stood still. I got down on my knees and started petting him and he either liked it or was scared shitless but either way we had a moment. I kinda miss him.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


The most beautiful horse Grattini.

As I child I was never raised around horses but always had a mystical love for them. Even decorating my room with unicorns. You could even call it a fascination.
Just recently I have become close to a horse named Grattini. He has such a personality. He was brought up in a place that didn't treat him well and now has beautiful owners but the past he hasn't forgotten so he is a bit untrustworthy and some days can be a bit ornery. It has taken a little while for him to be affectionate to me but I think I have won his love.

Monday, June 16, 2008

In a Cocoon

Sorry about the big delay in writing. I have been consumed with some executive type business (not fun stuff I assure you). My artistic self is back in the flesh and I appreciate your letters asking where I have been. lol Thanks for the stupendous support on Confusion; we are almost at the 1/2 million mark!! wowzers

btw In my time away from writing I came up with a truly unique and captivating new art form. Stay tuned ;)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sex and Talent

Can one be sexual and still be talented?
In our current society it seems as though we separate talent from sexuality; that they are two separate entities, which have nothing to do with each other.
Why do we do this? Is it because we are affixed to one stroke of the spectrum rather than all of it? Are there not many sides to our sexuality? A playful side. How about us holding back our sexuality – repressed. A warm nurturing entity as well as a rough dominant side. An intellectual sexuality. A careful cautious one. A sorrowful sexuality. Why when we are so multifaceted in our intimate nature do we only see surface and normally only present the surface? I’m really ailing of seeing just surface…give me both!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Compromising Times and Places

When I was 18 I compromised for a car and got a lemon.
As a child I always wanted to be loved so I took abuse as friendship.
I still shut my mouth when I know I should talk.
Once I went to a brothel in Austria...don't ask.
In 3rd grade I stole my classmate’s art project because it was better than mine.
Everyday I still think I could have done more.

Life experience has brought me down many roads...
Yet I know thousands of mistakes are still ahead of me.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Magical Child

If I had the time, it would be really fun to go to my grandma's old farm and find a big apple tree to climb up into and watch the corn fields move in the breeze, to hear the fish jump from the pond and run around chasing the cats in my bare feet; singing and laughing. I would always go to my grandma's farm in Pennsylvania to visit the family on the big holidays. My grandma's gone now and I'm not sure what happened to the farm. But that would be fun. What would you do if you had more time?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Bizarre Surprise

The other day I decided to take a break from the studio to get some fresh air. After walking a few blocks, while humming my new song, I noticed a film crew; and being the ham that I am, I decided to check it out. As I got closer I noticed a bizarre surprise. There I found myself, strangely, looking at – myself. In fact, a huge life-size cardboard cutout of me along with posters and CD’s that were recently misplaced from my home. As I moved in closer, it was apparent that they were filming this host like guy with all my stuff. What they heck could they be doing?

So I stormed the set to get to the bottom of it.
And this is what happened ……

Ok so….late April fools =) But wasn’t it fun? And even though it was an invention, wouldn’t it have been fun to have happened like that?

Ok so here’s how to take the pop star challenge:

To go directly to the video page you just watched so that you can comment, click on this link- click here When there, follow these instructions……

1.) Look for the two links in the info box to the side of this video
2) The first link is to the Alisa Apps CONFUSION video. The second is to her challenger
3.) Watch both videos and then write in the comment section of each video which one you preferred.

It’s gonna be fun! Looking forward to seeing your comments!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Official Launch 'CONFUSION' Music Video!!!!

Today is a monumental day for me.
Today is the day I come out of the closet as a singer!
We are launching the music video to my song "Confusion"!
You can't believe how long I've waited for this day.

It's been fun creating all the lovely videos I've done
but it has also been a long runway.

My heart's desire is to sing my heart out in front of millions of people.
"Confusion" depicts the confusion you feel when you're in love and
you're not sure the person you care about is faithful.
You don't know if the suspicions are in your mind or if you're
being taken advantage of.

You won't believe the work that went into this video.
The schedule was insane.
I'm surprised our director didn't shoot us!
We crammed into 10 hours what normally takes 4 days.
Never mind that I am a stickler for the details
wanting to get the vision just right.

Well, I'm still alive,and loved every second of it; so all's well that ends well.

What was fascinating about this video is that I wanted
to show what goes on in your mind when you're
Since the images were a bit too graphic for Youtube,
we had to do some creative editing. Let me know
what you think. I'm kind of proud of it actually.

So here goes.
Confusion the video launches today!

ps. there is also another video in which I pose some of the questions
which confuse people, such as why is there war, or black or white. I will post that on YouTube in a couple of days.

Take a look
I' m so excited for you to see what I've done!

Friday, March 21, 2008

What are you confused about?

Ok so I filmed a new video yesterday…its plays on the concept of Confusion which ties into my song and album title Confusion. I had so much fun filming it. It allowed me to express different facets and emotions I have on what I’m confused about. I really let my self go and didn’t hold back at all so I’m excited to see and hear your responses and ask you in return to tell me what you’re confused about. If you make a video response back that would make my day. So get thinking. I’ll have it up on YouTube soon.

Friday, March 14, 2008

What is beauty?

In a world that's Prozaced and sedated, to truly feel is beauty in itself.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Heart of A Prostitute

For all that are writing in asking to see my video that was pulled from YouTube...
Here it is. (It was pulled after 6 hours with 60K views / #1 viewed around the world)

The Heart of a Prostitute

Add to My Profile | More Videos

Friday, March 7, 2008

Censorship vs Freedom

I've been noticing a great deal of censorship going on with other YouTube channels and I'm not talking about the stuff that really should be censored, but rather censorship that is unjustified. I have strong feelings on this matter as to me, freedom of artistic creativity is everything. Without that I am dead. For that reason, I want to get down to the real cause of why this is occurring. If this has happened to you or you know of others, send me an email to " Together we can build a new way as you believe in me and I believe in you." AA

Friday, February 29, 2008

Alisa Apps' Supporter comments on her YouTube Censorship

Saw the latest crap youtube pulled. I tried to watch your latest last night and it kept kicking me back to some other video. I kind of had a feeling you were getting hosed right then. So unfair. I watched the reworked one just now and it's pretty cool (was the camera hidden to get a true reaction of the people while you walked around?), albeit I doubt it really expressed what you were feeling. Post the unedited video on your website. I'd love to see it.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know how f*cked up I think it is.

Stay cool.


Monday, February 11, 2008

Who are you?

I speak for the downtrodden, the abused, the molested; the ones who are lost in the tumultuous sea of their own mind.

I’m here to be a refuge for all those who want to open the doors of perception and unlock their mind; to have freedom of thought and freedom within.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Alisa vs Rambo -The Protector Down -censored by Youtube

My video was flagged on Youtube! Within a matter of 8 hrs I received 50k views. #1 viewed today in England and #3 viewed in the world today (which is beyond outstanding and a very large amount in such a quick time).
This is the email I sent to the director of my video.

Did u see that youtube flagged the protector for 18 +.... Why did they take it down?? I'm really mad!! That's messed up! Therefore, all my honors are gone and we're pulled from the charts.

What do we do?? I want to get to the bottom of this!!

There was no sexual content and no violence!! I've been watching the Rambo promos on TV he shoots, kills, very gorry...also on the TV commercial he says "When your pushed killing is as easy as breathing".

Here's my flagged video "the protector":

( )

Now watch this video: its a full Rambo trailer with head getting cut off, throat getting ripped out by hand, bodies being blown up to pieces....lots of really heavy killing and is also on Youtube but its NOT censored. (BTW I love Sly and looking forward to seeing the movie!)

What's your take on it?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Foster Souls

I wonder what it's like to be a foster child. Never really having a real one claiming you. How alone that must feel.

I wonder if there's a way to find out where all foster children are in each city I go to. When I start touring, I'd love to invite them to my shows. I feel a bond with them.