Monday, December 31, 2007

To Tell Your Deepest Secrets

To Tell Your Deepest Secrets is liberating. You no longer have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, and the beauty're never the only one.

I posted a video on youtube yesterday entitled
"I suck my thumb - what's your secret vice?"
The response has floored me! I received so many personal emails from people telling me their hidden secrets. I thank you so much for sharing. I feel as though if I can tell all to the world...others will feel more free to open up too.

Its no fun building a fortress around your heart. The isolation exposes you to more dangers than it protects you from and makes you an easy target. Thanks. Love, Alisa

Saturday, December 29, 2007

My Experience on the Plane

I’m on the plane to LA from Ft. Lauderdale and was separated from sitting with #####…so to the left of me an Australian and to the right of me a Montrealian. For the first three hours I spent my time talking to them…which I normally don’t do. Normally I would keep myself to myself; reading, writing and working while flying.

The Australian is in route back to Sydney from a business trip. He works for Qantas airline and was in Montreal (funny enough), Atlanta and Florida. He was meeting with companies he gets parts from for the Military division of Qantas.

We spoke about Rugby, Golf, Vegemite, the discovery channel, Places to visit in Australia and Australian seafood.

The Montrealian guy is traveling with his wife to visit their son in Los Angeles (Tarzana). He was in the wholesale business and also had pharmacies in Montreal. He passed his wholesale biz onto his other son who buys products from toy companies in the US and China and then sells them to stores in Montreal. Stores similar to our Big Lots and 99¢ stores but they are not named or owned by the same companies.

He told me that right now the Canadian dollar is worth more than the American dollar (pretty crazy huh). We also talked about salads, vegetarian food, the Writer’s Guild strike (his son’s a writer) and about the music industry and how it’s now advantageous to go for it on your own.

Funny…didn’t think I would, but I enjoyed having random conversation with complete strangers…from Vegemite to the wholesale biz. Almost time to land.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Writer's Guild Still On Strike

The writer’s guild is still on strike. They are unhappy about the cut they get.

I wonder how long they will stay on strike for and who the people are that have the power to resolve the problem.

How many of us have the power to resolve problems? Do we have the power – but fail to do it? I wonder how many of us can, but don’t feel they do.

I’d like to be one of those people who have major issues / world issues to make decisions for. I wouldn’t be afraid of it and I know I’d do the right thing.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Will Someone Please Sing Jingle Bells With ME??

I am so excited about how well my jingle bells video is doing on Youtube.
I've been up all night writing replies to all the lovely people who took the time
to comment and tell me their thoughts. I am so appreciative.
And the video responses! The guy singing jingle bells in his car is so cute.
It warms my heart to think of all these people watching my video.
I feel so honored.
Did you know that in one day over 50,000 people have viewed my video!

Now I'm thinking about what to do for my next video :-)!
Let's see if I can surprise you!

ps. keep the comments coming and the videos, I read every single comment and watch every single video!
Happy, joyful holidays!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas Cheer

I was thinking it would be fun to see if I could get people to open up enough to sing Jingle Bells with me। I decided to go to 3rd street promenade in Santa Monica cause I love being outside where there’s lots of people to watch.

Thursday afternoon was a grayish day with everyone rushing to get their holiday shopping done। I wanted to surprise people I didn't know
I imagined myself a playful elf spreading joy At first I was ignored, as if having fun was totally off limits। As I continued to reach out, I connected up to an elderly homeless man who knew all the words to Jingle Bells. He really intrigued me. I wondered what his life story was.

Then, I met up with a man in a black turban from England who was so sweet।
I wondered, how would I feel spending the holidays in a foreign country?
Would it be lonely or exciting?

Some teenage boys with tattoos were surprisingly open.
We really connected.All in all, I felt proud, proud that I opened my heart and theirs.

What have you been up to over the holidays??

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


For the past few years I have isolated myself …I don’t have any friends, I don’t speak to my family and everything I do is music / business related.

I kinda feel like Clubber Lang from Rocky who said… I live alone। I train alone. I’ll win the title alone.

But now it’s time to expose myself…to become naked for all to see and experience. This “title” that I’m after is not something I can do alone. I have to start letting people in and that’s a very difficult thing for me.

On the outside I project myself as being easy come easy go but on the inside…I trust no one.
