Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Bizarre Surprise

The other day I decided to take a break from the studio to get some fresh air. After walking a few blocks, while humming my new song, I noticed a film crew; and being the ham that I am, I decided to check it out. As I got closer I noticed a bizarre surprise. There I found myself, strangely, looking at – myself. In fact, a huge life-size cardboard cutout of me along with posters and CD’s that were recently misplaced from my home. As I moved in closer, it was apparent that they were filming this host like guy with all my stuff. What they heck could they be doing?

So I stormed the set to get to the bottom of it.
And this is what happened ……

Ok so….late April fools =) But wasn’t it fun? And even though it was an invention, wouldn’t it have been fun to have happened like that?

Ok so here’s how to take the pop star challenge:

To go directly to the video page you just watched so that you can comment, click on this link- click here When there, follow these instructions……

1.) Look for the two links in the info box to the side of this video
2) The first link is to the Alisa Apps CONFUSION video. The second is to her challenger
3.) Watch both videos and then write in the comment section of each video which one you preferred.

It’s gonna be fun! Looking forward to seeing your comments!!

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