Thursday, June 4, 2009

Music Makes Me Real

Music makes me real
I write because I must
I sing to unlock the gates from within
to feel the hand of trust

If music was not a part of me
I would cease to be free
For everything that I love has song around it and within it
From my lover's echoing voice, to a child making his first grown-up choice

Oh music be my light and shine for me every day that I write
You are my hero, the savior of my soul
I bask in your delight

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Beauty on the surface

Beauty on the surface 
it passes and fades 
While the beauty of life within,
grows with magnificent complexity; 
beyond a counted amount.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Upper Crust

Recently I have been introduced to the upper crust of America and this is what I have to say....

Don't be Fortune's Fool.
Fill Your Heart with Love not Vanity.

xx AA