Monday, October 4, 2010

The White Rose (poem) by Alisa Apps

The White Rose by Alisa Apps

The white rose with dew drops smiles upon the morning moon
Awaiting a new day to send innocence in bloom
Her petals of pearly white are as soft as inexperienced love
And encourage a safe passage to a truce or peace, a flying dove
The message of the white rose speaks in tender tone
“You are loved by me; and even after I fade away, you shall never be alone”


Anonymous said...

due = dew

Josh Levin said...

You are one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen - inside and out. So lovely you are Alisa.

merelmudbrain said...

haha XD
you look so stupid.
are you gonna face lady gaga in that outfit to? XD wel then atleast your outfit matches your voice :)
btw, what is up with your eye? :S

Marissa said...

You have no sense of metre or rhythm. And the second line makes no sense whatsoever. Having a masculine rhyme at the end of every line does not make a good poem. If you have a good sense of rhythm and internal rhyme, assonance and consonance, and if what you're writing makes a kind of sense, then every line doesn't have to have a rhyme at the end. You need to study poetry more. Get a subscription to The New New Yorker and read the poems they print.

Anonymous said...

That outfit is just...ludicrous. Are you wearing that for Halloween?

Domino said...

I don't know, maybe you think your poem sounds deep and "real", but it comes off as pretentious...Are you looking for praise and admiration? Because you aren't going to get any...

Unknown said...

Your poem is beautiful and it makes sense. Of course all of those Teeny whimpees defending GAGA are teenangers and don't know about poetry at all.

For the "Marissa" post. Poetry is freestyle, if you want to rhyme it or not is up to you. It's called freestyle for a reason.

Jaime said...

Hey "Cecilia". I defend Lady Gaga. I'm a teenager, not a 'teenanger'. I may not know much about poetry, but I know how to spell. I also know enough to make blanket generalizations based on age in order to insult. Additionally, what in the world is a 'teeny whimpee'?

Marissa is absolutely spot on right. Alisa needs to learn how to take constructive criticism.

Dave D. Miller said...

Your poetry is so beautiful. I love the symbolism. Your expression is iconoclastic.