Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rap, Body Builders and the Meaning of Life

Yesterday at the gym I was listening in on a casual conversation that two of the body builders were having. Now these were full-out "tough guys" - mid 20's, extremely ripped African Americans and super serious about power and strength.

One was asking the other about a song they were listening to on the way there. (The other must have had his music player in the car.) The inquisitive one was thirsting for new music and said he's sick of rap and can't listen to it anymore...wants to hear different, new things.

After hearing this I was a bit struck back as I foolishly assumed he would primarily like rap. So I broke into their conversation asked him, "Why is it that you don't like rap or don't want to listen to it anymore?"

He laughed and said "Rap is horrible now there is no meaning in it. Its all meaningless and the rappers are heartless. When rap started it was good. It was real. But now its all crap. All they talk about is money, girls, sex, partying- even the videos are a joke. I want to listen to music that moves me, that comes from a real place. Rap's a joke."

Interesting tidbit- he was wearing a vintage Marvin Gaye t-shirt

AA final thoughts: The age of the computers and technology has definitely changed our artistic world into being dehumanized and dumbed down (movies, music, painings,etc.)...but because of this, we are craving meaning and purpose more than ever. A change is a coming!!

1 comment:

Marissa said...

Computers are a new tool for creation.

"Rap is a joke" because of the substance, not the form. It started as street poetry, as an honest way of reflecting truths about rapper's lives. Like any other sub-culture it got co-opted and commercialized. It's not the form of electronic music and rap that's the problem, it's the content and subject-matter of mainstream rap. And even then, some of the biggest rap stars - Eminem, Kanye West - are still mind-blowingly talented in the raw art of working with words.