Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The World Is Lost!

I look around me and it’s painful to see so many lost souls, people overdosing, dying so young and hating themselves. Just this morning ex-child star (is how they acknowledged him) Corey Haim died at age 38 of a drug overdose here in LA. It’s become an epidemic!

The fact is the world is lost. Our culture has become desensitized and cruel – we treat people as substandard if they are no longer what’s “hot” or if they are not rich and famous. The media and pop culture including music and television play a huge role in this transition. Just look at what the top television shows and songs are. What is the message? How do they make you feel??

I just spoke to Quincy Jones this weekend about just this and his words were, “today’s music is dumbed down.” Music is so important in our daily life but it has been stripped away from us by empty lyrics, redundant beats and backed by a message of sex. The world needs beautiful music again; music that fills our soul with love and happiness. If all that you are being fed is garbage than you will feel and act like garbage.

As an artist I have a responsibility to humankind to create beauty and better in the world and I strive for that every day. I look forward to the day that I can reach millions of souls.

Xx Alisa


Jenna Wright said...

hi Alisa I really appreciate what you have to say. You are opening the eyes of many! I follow you.

Stephanie Silverman said...

You are a true leader and a kind artist. The world will love you.

Sammy Long said...


Jess said...

What can we do to help? Im in it with you Alisa.

Guezos said...

totally right but.. how will you fight the system?
Is the system who wants it that way..
When was the last time that you heard Jazz on MTV?.. that just wont happen..

Girl, I hope that after you reach the fame.. u still remember this post, and sing us with lyrics full of love, not what we hear now..

Good Luck Alisa
respect =)

Alisa Apps said...

Hey Guezos dont agree with fighting the system...actually the opposite. Its about being pro love - pro desire.

Thank you for writing your personal message on my blog and being part of my love movement ;) xx Alisa Apps

Anonymous said...

I've felt the same way for quite some time now...

Roland Jonas said...

What's the use of saying all this when you don't plan to help in any way? You are just spouting superficial crap to sound like you care. STFU.

Dave D. Miller said...

You and me, both... Do you know how many people have to sleep on the streets in Atlanta alone? Imagine, there are at least 99 other cities (capital and biggest city,) in these United States that let this kind of monstrosity continue! Children die in hospitals, while we rush to create the next anti-wrinkle cream! War ravages our own streets - not to mention the nations of the world, - and we hide behind our four walls, and look for the new episode of America's Next Top Model... Maybe, fighting the system isn't the best way to put it... maybe, we have to go to war against the system! A quiet riot! Raise our voices, and extend our hands! Open our doors and our mouths!

I just saw how long my post was...